
Showing posts from December, 2010

Beaks May Have Transformed Dino-Diets

It's been a while since I quoted Discovery Network's articles. But I found this one particularly interesting. It talks about beaks on dinosaurs and I wanted to get other peoples' opinions on this. According to this article, there are fewer predatory dinosaurs than originally figured, which I find to be ridiculous! Look at how many predators are around today. And look at how much prey is available to them. There are some predators that kills at random, like leopards. They don't care what they kill, as long as it's got flesh, red stuff and bone, they don't care. So, don't tell me that there is less available to you the farther up in the food chain you are. It also seems to show that a carnivore can actually evolve from herbivorous ancestors. Well, here is the article, it may be my last post until the new year, as I have been pretty busy. Beaks Transformed Di...

Family of the Week: The Feather-Footed Shrews

This is a group of very interesting insectivores that descend from true shrews, I call them the feather-footed shrews. It is the family Harundopedidae, and all species have oddly-shaped toes on the feet. Most species are found in, or near water, and the toes are flat and feather-shaped. Some species, like Aquambulus , also have long, stiff, whisker-like hairs between the toes that enables them to walk over the surface of the water without sinking in. Most species have long necks, long, sharp muzzles, and large eyes. The ears are relatively small and shrew-like. A few varieties have large, pointy ears, such as Proboscisuncus , Carnosuncus and Platyceps . But despite the size of the ears, all species have very acute hearing. The sense of smell is relatively poor in the aquatic species as it is not needed. Most species hunt by using sight and hearing. The hearing is so acute, that some species are able to hear a fish breathing underwater. The neck is long and flexible, especially in the ...